Thursday, April 4, 2013

my calories count

yeah... i am having this yo yo weight changes now.. and i know why.. i have not been eating right.. not strong enough.. :( my thigh is back to 23 inches although not as flabby :) something positive there.. right? ;) because i started to workout again. my schedule is 4 days of aerobics and muscle toning plus 1 day weight lifting only :p heehhe.. so total of 5 days of thorough exercise for the past 2 weeks.. 

so this is what i did yesterday.. after reading the insanity nutrition guide - exercise... etc etc... i calculated my calories need per day for my body, for me to lose weight. let me share those with you..

so, anyway, after calculating... calories needed for me to lose weight is 1493.10. :) work on it ain!! next, is to calculate my fat percentage.. :p


  1. ~ manyak nye nak kea reduce..!!! good luck kak..!! malas nk kira..ahahaha

  2. itu bukan reduce.. that is how much calories i need.. so kena jaga makan ikut calories count tu.. i need to lessen my carbs intake.

  3. ~ wooohhh..nor salah paham la nih eh..ahahaha..


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