Wednesday, November 14, 2012


why? because i failed in managing my diet... somehow i have been eating wrong! :( and yesterday i measured my thigh... it was 23 inches!! how can i reduce it to 20 inches??? i am so fat :( 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

my first try out 6 meals a day

seriously? i get tired of munching.. do you know why i don't really put on weight? because i don't eat snacks between meals... i mean, i don't take junks. even my regular meals, when i get tired, i will stop eating. and not necessarily i am full :p so here was yesterday's meals.

meal 1: instant quaker oats + teh tarik :p hehehe
meal 2: oats crackers + water
meal 3: half club sandwich with eggs & chicken slice + latte
meal 4: 1/4 portion of chicken sandwich
meal 5: protein shake
meal 6: maggie mee + eggs! heheheeh :D spoiler? :p

was supposed to have zumba but there was a miscomm, instructor did not turn up.

Monday, November 5, 2012

my left side nerve problem

i have this problem on my left side of my body... sometime last year, i almost had to cancel my participation in the netball tournament because i could not grip the ball with my left hand. there is something, somewhere on my back which i do not know how to explain. anyway my last workout on saturday was for upper body. was really excited on the workout session. but sadly after a few times with the weight, my left arm became numb. seriously i don't know what to do... and it affected the strength of my right arm too for a heavier weight :( 

and now reading these:

it is not only the hand... but somehow on my back as well? 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

help me

i am starting to have the L symptoms... pleasee.... i need more motivation... i think i am being neglected by my PT :"(


have missed workout since sunday!! why? because my PT is not well.. yeahh yeahh... blame it on the PT, can't i just do it myself? eermmm... should be but, 'another excuse' is the office gym will be closed soon and for me to go to the hardcore gym, i need my PT to be around because i am shy... hehehe :D :p 

how's my meal plan? hmmm tryingg... okay... tryingg...